Monday, January 29, 2007

Some Thanks and a few Welcomes!

Wow it was a crazy weekend! I actually took a day OFF! I spent most of yesterday cleaning the house, catching up on my DVR's shows, and playing with Shaylee. I avoided the computer most of the day, altho I went to bed early, then woke up at 1:30 am and couldn't sleep. Ended up yackin with my bud Misty about all the changes we are making to the new photography forum. FUN Stuff!

We would also like to welcome two of our newest couples to the CNP family! In the last week we have booked two weddings with Devin and Josh, and Melissa and Kyle.

Devin and Josh are getting married at Leu Gardens in May, and I've indirectly known Devin for a while through the Central Florida Birth Network. She works at a Birth Center where I will also be putting up a display here in town. We're excited about their wedding. It should be a ton of fun, and we'll see a bunch of people that we know there!

Melissa and Kyle are getting married at the Palms in Sanford in April. They were referrals from Chrissy, a client whose son I have photographed and she and I also know each other from my moms group. She's also the Matron of Honor at the wedding, so I'm sure we're in for a ton of fun that night as well! Thanks Chrissy for sending your sister our way!

Just a note also, I currently have 3 couples that need to get me your image selections for your albums. I can't start design until I know what images are most important to you, so if you can please get those to me asap that would be wonderful!

I will be taking this weekend off as well and flying to Chicago to teach my first workshop with Misty Woodward and Kimberly Smoot. The workshop is called Wake Up and Smell Success! You can find out more information by going to this link... We have lots of registrants and I'm excited as many of them are people I have met before and grown to love and become friends. Should be a really fun weekend full of learning and growth! So if you are trying to get a hold of me over the weekend and I'm not around you'll know why. I leave on Saturday afternoon and do not return until Tuesday.

At home we have my cousin, her husband, and their new baby coming to stay with us for a while. They are moving to the area from Maine, so they will stay with us until they get established and find a place to live. I'm so excited to have my younger cousin Jess here with her new baby... be prepared, cause I'll have a newborn baby boy to practice on! Pics to come!

That is all for now... have a great week ya'll!


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