Monday, November 19, 2007

Our hiatus has begun!!

We are officially done with sessions and wedding until mid January. I apologize to anyone that we can't fit in for holiday photos. If you still have orders you have placed, don't worry your orders have been placed and will be ready before the holidays. We have about 2 1/2 weeks till our new baby girl is officially due. I've been feeling some contractions a lot lately, so I'm not sure if she's going to stay put until the due date or not. I'm trying to hold off until at least December 3rd so that my good friend Julie can arrive to photograph the birth.

We are having this little one at home, so please say a prayer for us in the upcoming weeks! Thank you to everyone for your patience and support with our pregnancy, and to everyone who got in early this year to allow us to have this much needed break for our family. I will share baby photos when she arrives, and let you all know when we plan to resume a normal schedule. We do have a waiting list started for first available appointments, so feel free to contact us if you would like to be added and have first dibs on the calendar for 2008.

I plan on spending the net two weeks tying up loose ends, completing holiday orders and getting ready for next year's specials and promotions. We have lots of great stuff to come for 2008, so get ready!! I'm also planning on spending lots of time with our daughter and enjoying the last days of being a mother to one! The holidays make me thankful for all of the blessings we have been given, and for a nice breather for us to enjoy each other!

Thank you again, the support, love and encouragement we have received from our clients, friends, and family has been amazing! We love you all!


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